Saturday, July 4, 2009

Summer Nights

We had such a great afternoon playing outside, that it turned into one of those perfect summer nights. We threw poppers which the girls liked, and we lit sparklers which the girls didn't want to get close too.

We slid and watched the firework filled sky. Little did we know we moved into the hip "we drove over the state lines to Wyoming to buy our fireworks" neighborhood. Ky stood in the top level and watched them from the pirate periscope. That kid has style.

The girls favorite part of the evening was swinging. I think Savvy could stay in the swing as long as someone was there to push her.

Ky has learned to pump herself on the swings, but somehow she always ends up going sideways.

There is just something special about summer nights.


AP said...

Summer nights rule!

Ruth said...

Looks like you had a great evening, and I hope the fireworks today is as much fun. Be safe, but have tons of fun. Hugs and Kisses.