Friday, July 17, 2009

"I, err, ok!"

When Mommy says "Who wants to make muffins?" and she only hears one set of feet running in response - it's not a good sign. So, I called down the stairs "Savvy, are you ok?" and more red flags went off when she replied "I, err, ok!" After gathering my camera and my courage I went downstairs to find this:

Savvy found the zipper on the beanbag and was taking one cup full of beans out at a time and putting them in her library bag. This is on top of the normal mess that occurs after a morning of playing. Just another day in paradise, right?


Becky said...

ROFL Silence is the worst response you can get.

Fun for you. :-D

Ruth said...

Hey I remember the bean bags and the beans, I think I had the same experience with one of you guys. What goes around comes around. Love ya.

Janae said...

So sorry!