Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kyrie the Artist

Part of Ky's speech delay carries over to her writing/drawing skills. We have been diligently working on shapes with her, while her preschool teachers have worked really hard on teaching her all the "strokes" she needs to learn to write. While most of her classmates can draw people, houses, and trees - we celebrated the joy of accomplishing a circle. Last week, her speech therapist pulled me aside to tell me how much she had grown since Christmas break. "Incredible progress" were the words she used. I was thrilled!

If that wasn't proof enough, Ky was sitting at the table drawing on her doodlepad and she proudly said "Mama! I did it! SUN!" and she had done it too. A BEAUTIFUL sun all by herself. We still have a lot of work to do - but today we will sit, have some ice cream, and enjoy the SUN.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

Today was Wacky Wednesday at preschool. Ky went with 2 different colors of socks and hairties. She also got to use hair glitter for that extra "wacky" look. She was going to wear a tutu, but she changed her mind last minute. Either way, she looked cute!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's all about Kyrie!

Next monday at Preschool is "All about Kyrie!" Our part includes making a poster that features Ky's favorite things and pictures of her growing up. It was my first school project as a mom and I see a lot of work in my future! Ky helped pick her favorite things and which pictures to use. By the end she had even realized that she was the baby in the pictures.

"All about Kyrie"
I was born August 3rd, 2005. I weighed 4 lbs. 11 oz. I stayed in the NICU 21 days.
I was named after the video game Kingdom Hearts and my Grandma Nyman.
I like coloring, reading books, cooking, watching movies, and playing outside.
My favorite color is pink.
My favorite book is "Snuggle Puppy" and my favorite movies are "Rattatouie" and "Cars."
My family is my Daddy, Mommy, me, and my little sister.
My favorite things are my bear "Pudder" and my little sister Savannah.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Green Eggs and Ham

Today at preschool we celebrated Dr. Suess's birthday. Sadly, I forgot my camera, so the pictures are a little blurry since I took them with my phone. Ky loved wearing her Dr. Suess hat and listening to the stories.

For snack time they made Green Eggs and Ham. You have to love when preschool teachers are motivated enough to tackle making eggs and ham with 18 3 year olds. She even dressed up as Dr. Suess! Then, to my complete suprise Ky ate it. We have tried to get her to eat eggs several times to no avail. I guess they taste better green.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sundae Sunday

Last night as Ty and I were upstairs, we heard some very loud "I did its!" from the downstairs playroom. Usually not a good sign! Ty went downstairs to find that the girls had cleaned it themselves and had actually done a fantastic job. After we got over our shock, we decided to celebrate with ice cream for all. Ky ate hers so fast I didn't get a picture of her, but I did catch Savvy. Too cute!