Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We gave Ky the option of doing almost anything she wanted to celebrate her graduation. She could have picked the movies, bowling, the arcade, or a whole list of other kid places. She picked feeding the ducks, so off we went to the historical farm. The girls love to chase those poor birds around and around and around. After bathing in hand sanitizer, we went to the toy store to pick a treat. After walking around the store for a good hour looking at all sorts of toys, she picked mini m&m's. She definately has a mind of her own. Then, she got to choose what to do for dinner and of course she said "fries!" I think she had a very fun night!


Ruth said...

Wow, it doesn't take much to make Kyrie happy and I bet Savvy had a great time. And of course what girl doesn't love chocolate.

Becky said...

How cute. Such a fun age.. I love the stuff that they come up with.