Sunday, October 19, 2008


I decorated the girls pumpkins today. I tried to have the Ky help, but once she saw the "insides" she said "Ewwwwww!" and ran away. She gets that from her Daddy. Savvy just wanted to eat them, but after one bite she became unimpressed as well. So I took advantage of naptime and did them myself. Savvy's turned into Sleeping Beauty's Castle and Ky's is Malificent as the Dragon. I was pretty proud of myself. The girl's really liked them once they were finished.

Sadly Ky's is so small the candle doesn't make it glow to well, but Savvy's looked pretty cool.

Now we just hope they don't go rotten before the big day!

1 comment:

Becky said...


How cool are you and your pumpkin skills???????

Very cute!