Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Slide - part 4

We spent all day yesterday working on the fort. Just don't call it a fort to Ky, or a clubhouse for that matter. She informed me it was a stage, she was "Tanna!" (aka Hannah Montana), and she spent a good chunk of the afternoon singing, dancing, and bowing to her audience. It didn't interfere with being Daddy's big helper. She retrieved dropped boards and screws.

Savvy was more into helping me weed, and resod some bare spots in the lawn. She has little pink gardening gloves and a shovel. She is definately going to be my little garden helper. She also has supersonic hearing because her eyes got really wide as soon as she heard the ice cream truck driving down the street. I grabbed both of the girls and ran off to catch it. They both picked a treat and of course got super messy eating it.

By the end of the day, we still weren't quite done with the fort. We are still missing the sand, the swings, the pirate wheel, and the binoculars. However, the girls are very happy with the fort as is. The slide was a huge hit! They couldn't get enough of the up and down. I had to drag Savvy in for dinner literally kicking and screaming. She kept saying "my slide! no! my slide!" It's raining today, but I see us spending most of our summer outside in our garden and on the fort!


AP said...

My kids can't wait to come play!

Trish said...

Fun fun fun!

We need to fix our slide. :( The screws at the top came loose. We need to put bolts in their place.
Heads up for that.

Ruth said...

Way to go you guys, it looks great and I can't wait to come watch the girls play.

twomoms said...

just catching up on reading blogs, your girls look so happy with their playset! DD asked for one at the new house but we think she is too old for that!
