Thursday, April 9, 2009

rainy days and colored eggs

It has rained the last couple days, so our fort is at a standstill. We decided to spend our inside time coloring easter eggs. I am not quite sure WHY we color eggs, at our house the bunny is exclusively a plastic egg hider. I guess it's just a tradition. Last year, it took weeks to get the dye out of everything - so thinking I was smart I got the little "pop-top cotton swab" paints to avoid the splashing of dye. All of us were less than impressed. They were really messy and hard to use. I think some of our furniture will always remember Easter 2009. The girls still had fun and the eggs that survived are very pretty!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Hey Angel,
I don't know why we color eggs either, everyone knows the plastic egg have the best stuff on the inside.