Friday, November 7, 2008


My mom sent another set of aprons for the girls. They are vinyl and have princesses on them. I love them because I can just wipe them off and the girls love them because they know it is art or baking time when they make an appearance. So, just for fun we made chocolate chip cookies last night from some refridgerated dough. Notice their attempt to roll up little cookies.

After they had cooled I gave them each one. I ran out of the room for maybe one minute and when I came back the kitchen chairs were pushed over to the stove. All but two of the cookies were missing, and the girls had suspicious chocolatey smiles. They were very proud of themselves.


hezzie said...

art? craft time? baking time? where do you find the time and energy? my kids know when my apron goes on, i'm making something only the relief society will get to eat.

Becky said...

Hey, I tagged you.. check out my blog for more details. :-D