Saturday, June 20, 2009

Garage Sales

We just found out that Ty's mom is coming to visit the first week of August. The girls are so excited! That also happens to be the week of Ky's birthday, so we decided we will do a joint birthday party so that Grandma can be there. Lucky Savvy gets to celebrate 15 days early this year! Ty and I have been racking our brains for a good theme for the party since the girls are so different. Daddy had the idea for a "Care Bears Birthday" and it was perfect. The girls both love Care Bears. We decided to hit some garage sales to find a few bears to weigh down some balloons for the party, and things got slightly out of hand. They needed every one they saw! Luckily, since they were all "previously loved" 19 bears cost less than two new ones at the store.

Then I found something for myself! I got a Puff-a-Lump for Christmas when I was 7 years old and he has been my buddy ever since. My sister named him Mark and he has been a very loved bear. To this day the girls love to play with him, especially Savvy. Today, a whopping 22 years later I found one in mint condition. Mark's clothes are long gone, his hair is matted, and half his smile is unstitched. I haven't decided what to do with "new Mark" yet, but he will probably belong to Savvy very soon.

We got a few other odds and ends too, including some kids clothes and a baby doll cradle. Overall it was a very successful day out at the garage sales! I can't wait to go again!


AP said...

Garage sales rule. Luke's grandpa was the king!

Ruth said...

That looks like Care Bear heaven. And to think a new Mark, I can't believe you found a brand new one. And we can't wait for the party. I could come dressed as a Care Bear.