Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Think we're ready?

We've been in our home now for a whopping two weeks! Time has flown, and we still aren't all the way unpacked. We did make a HUGE step today though - the food storage room is done! Ty suprised me with a shelf reliance (can rotation system) and spent hours putting it all together for me. He is incredible! So here is our food storage room, since I know all my PYP buddies will ask for pictures. Oh, and yeah - the curtains came with the place.

Isn't that can thingy cool? Ky and Savvy think it is hilarious to watch the cans roll. I just realized that all the diapers and pull-ups aren't in there. There must be another set of boxes somewhere...

Yeah, the bin with the mismatched lid is cereal. I can't fit in on the shelf. Ty has banned me from buying another box. I told him it was a deal unless it was free. Seriously, who can pass up free stuff? I know I can't.

The silver bins are all of our flour, sugar, and rice. I still need to organize the Powerade and the water under the stairs. I really thought I was done until I took pictures. I am just thrilled to have all my food back! Now if I can just get my HBA (non-edible) storage organized... anyone want to come help?


Queen Karana said...

Your food storage is impressive! WTG! Can't wait to see more of your home as you get it ready.

- Karana *FSG* & *PYP*

Janae said...

Wow your food storage is amazing!!!! can't wait to some more pictures!

Trish said...

Looking good!!!

Jasperson Family said...

WOW! Your food storage is awesome! My DH is just like yours....I am banned from "buying" cereal. Free, though, is a different story!

Suz said...

WOW! Can you come and teach me. I am so impressed!

~The Redhead~ said...

But OF COURSE us PYPers would want pictures! And now I'm even MORE encouraged to find a spot in my house for food storage (currently I'm just using one old bookcase). Your food storage room looks fabulous!

AP said...

I guess if there is a catastrophe, I don't have to drive all the way to Logan. I'll just come to your house :)