Friday, January 9, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We're finally in our new house! It has been a long couple weeks. We cleared out the condo, lived at a hotel for a couple days, and finally got the keys to our new home! I owe a huge thanks to my parents and sister who came and helped me set-up my kitchen and our wonderful friends Kagan, Amanda, Melanie, and especially Misha for helping us move. Unfortenately two days after moving in we found out there was a gas leak and went without heat for 3 long days. The home warrenty company finally got it fixed and we are finally unpacking and settling in. I haven't uncovered the box with our camera in it, so I apologize for the lack of pictures. Hopefully I find it soon. We truely love our new place, and I can't wait for all our far away family to come see it. The girls have been having a blast in their new playroom -we have had fun watching their imaginations take off. Me and Ty really enjoy a family room that isn't overrun with toys. Ky said it best when I was driving her home from school and she screamed "home!" as we pulled in the driveway.

1 comment:

Trish said...

I'm so happy for you that you finally got that condo sold and moved into a house with lots of space for your babies.
Bumps in the road are par for the course when you own a home.
I was going to the post office the other day and planned to drive by and maybe say hi but I must have forgotten the coordinates.