Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back on the nebulizer again.

Since last year we have been able to avoid it, but this cold finally hit Savvy's lungs. For those not familiar with Savvy's tough start, she was born at 34.5 weeks without any serfactin in her lungs. Without that lubrication her lungs could not expand, and she was put on a ventilator and artifical lubrication was injected. The doctors took Ty and I aside before they lifefilghted her to take a family picture in case she didn't make it. I still have that film, but I haven't had the heart to have it developed. I was glad to have it though, because over the course of the next 2 days she crashed twice. After 3 days she was able to come off the vent and 15 days later she was able to come home. She has some permenant lung damage and asthma as a result of her prematurity. Luckily, she has an incredible pediatrician who set us up with a nebulizer at home for times like these. Last winter it seemed like we used it every other week, but we had been nebulizer free for almost nine months! Then, she woke up this morning with raspy breathing and by afternoon she was struggling to catch her breath. It was time for a treatment... she was not amused. Thankfully it helped a ton and the steriods opened up her little lungs. Crisis avoided for now. Stupid cold.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Ugh, I'm sorry you had to bring it out after so long without!

I think that's always one of the most frustrating things about kids starting preschool.. the germs that the siblings are introduced to. Kaitlyn and Carson have had a couple of colds since school started *grumble, grumble*

Hope that's all you need for awhile!