Thursday, October 29, 2009

Long time, No blog

Yes, I am aware that I haven't blogged for a month. We've just been busy, and here are a few of the things we've been up to...

#1 - Izzy's Baptism

We got together recently for Izzy's baptism. This is the only picture we managed to get, but aren't cousins Halle and Kyrie cute? I can't believe Izzy is 8 already, she is quite the little lady! The program was great - my niece Makenna played the piano, and she is beyond talented. We are lucky to have April and her family so close.

#2 - Andrew's Day

It's been six years since one of my very best friends was killed in a car accident, and we take a day each October to celebrate his memory.

The last thing Andrew and I did together was going to Arctic Circle to get Square Pumpkins (you know, the ones with the cool Halloween toys...) So, each year we do just that.

Andrew taught me a lot about life and family. His biggest lessons remind me not to take anything to seriously and to make everyday count.

After our cool kids meals, we went and picked some pumpkins at a pumpkin patch. Ky wanted every single one, and Savvy wanted any of them that was at least three times her size. We ended up painting our pumpkins this year since knives, slime, and the girls don't mix. It was a hit, and painting may become a tradition for years to come.

#3 - Gardiner Village

We went to see the witches at Gardiner Village. The girls had tons of fun walking around looking at witches and pumpkins. Then, we decided to go on the hayride that takes you out to a "witch's house." It started raining on the ride and then the stuff at the house was a tad bit over the girls' heads. Oh-well, it was good just to spend the time with the family.

Hopefully, I get better about blogging in the upcoming weeks!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I was beginning to believe it was you that had the broken arm. Oh that would be me!!!! Fun to see the pictures, hope Halloween is the best, be sure and get some cute pictures.